Nurse Ivy Baker with colleagues at the Rockhampton Hospital in 1927
Title Nurse Ivy Baker with colleagues at the Rockhampton Hospital in 1927
Description The photograph shows Nurse Ivy Baker in 1927 with a group of colleagues. Information with the photograph identifies the members of the group as follows: From left: Ivy H M Baker, Myrtle Daniels, Lyla Best, Margaret Venton, Myrtle MacDonald. Country Hospital Museum records show that Lyla Best started nurse training on 06 December 1926 and resigned on 13 October 1927, Margaret Venton started on 29 July 1927 and resigned on an unknown date, Myrtle Daniels started on 03 May 1926 and resigned on 23 December 1927, Ivy Baker started 27 September 1926 and completed on 26 September 1930 and Myrtle Macdonald started on 29 June 1927 and completed on 20 June 1931.
Image Number 67
Publisher Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.
Source (Original)
Subject Baker, Ivy H M
Subject Best, Nurse
Subject Daniels, Myrtle
Subject MacDonald, Myrtle
Subject Nurses
Subject Venton, Margaret
Coverage - Spatial Rockhampton Hospital, Rockhampton
Coverage - Time ca. 1927
Format of Original photographic print: b&w 5.5 cm x 8 cm; scan .tif 1.6 MB 619 x 911 pixels
Digital Format image/jpeg
Rights This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.