Title | Matron Kitty Lewis with colleagues at a Royal Austalian Nursing Federation meeting |
Description | The photograph shows Matron Kitty Lewis of the Rockhampton Hospital with other guests at a Royal Australian Nursing Federation meeting. The photograph includes matrons or very senior staff from number of Hospitals in Central Queensland and is annotated as follows: Left to Right: Cook (Jones); Baker; Crow; Lewis (Matron Base); Sempfell; Sr Thaddaeus. "Baker" is Sister Ivy Baker of the Rockhampton Hospital, "Crow" is Matron Crow of Eventide in Rockhampton, Sr Thaddaeus was Matron of the Mater Hospital in Townsville. The person on the right is Dawn Murray of Gladstone. |
Publisher | Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |
Format of Original | photogaphic print:b&w 20 cm x 8 cm;Scan .tif 6.4 MB 2365 x 942 pixels |
Rights | This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |