Title | Rockhampton Hospital nurse Graduation Ceremony 12 Dec 1964 |
Description | The photograph shows a group of nurses who graduated from the Rockhampton Hospital nursing program in 12 Dec 1964. Those who are identified on the rear of the photograph are as follows: First Row (L-R): Kathleen Morse; Mary Hooper; Maurice Geddes; Margaret Hay; Etheline Haggarty; Gail Haigh. Second Row: Rosalie Johnson; Sr. Marie Finlay (Tutor Sister); Annette Barnard; Margaret Goodman. Back Row: Heather McNae; Carol Marshall; Patricia Waller; Esther Prigg; Jill Storch; Carol Moloney (Midwifery); Brenda Funch; Matron Margaret Graham (right rear, wearing glasses). |
Publisher | Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |
Coverage - Spatial | Rockhampton Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland |
Format of Original | copy print: b&w 21.5 cm x 16.2 cm; scan .tif 20.2 MB 3307 x 2140 pixels |
Rights | This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |