Title | Diverse student intake to Rockhampton Hospital nurse education program 1970 |
Description | This photograph shows the student intake at the Rockhampton Hospital in January 1970. The hospital offered a regional training program, so some of the nurses were from country hospitals. This was also the first intake of nurses from Malaysia and the Philippines. Front Row (L to R): Sr Sandra Kingston (Tutor Sister), Dorothy Stagg, Isobelle Gonzales (Malaysia), Cynthia Mirasol (Philippines), Erica Schwedt, Elva Uchoco (Philippines), Jennifer Kennedy, Narelle Groundwater, Vicki Milne, Jenny Au Yeong (Malaysia), Sr Judy Walker (Tutor Sister); Second Row: Anne Carter, Helen McKinlay (Emerald), Gail Lynham, Rosaleia Bernal (Philipines), Glen Mary Martin, Kathleen Keynes, Morna Gilbert, Shirley Bunt, Carol Dern (Barcaldine, Longreach?); Back Row: Penny Yeu (Malaysia), Desley Groves (Emerald?), Carol West, Sandra Black, Bronwyn Campbell, Wendy Hammerton, Lynnette Butterworth, Lesley Pellows (Barcaldine), Carleen Clark, Jot Yeo (Malaysia). |
Publisher | Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |
Coverage - Spatial | Rockhampton Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland |
Format of Original | photographic print: b&w 17.8 cm x 12.6 cm;scan .tif 15.8 MB 2745 x 2003 pixels |
Rights | This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |