Sister Alma Crudgington at Rockhampton Hospital ca. 1936
Title Sister Alma Crudgington at Rockhampton Hospital ca. 1936
Description The photograph shows Sister Alma Crudgington who was born on 18 May 1912 and trained at the Rockhampton Hosopital from 05 Jan 1932 to Jan 1936. She then undertook her midwifery training at the Lady Goodwin Hospital before working as a private nurse and at the Yeppoon and Beaudesert Hospitals before enlisting in 1940 to serve as a nurse during World War 2. She served at a number overseas locations and married a soldier Sgt Fergus McDougall while serving in New Guinea in 1943. She was one of three sisters who became nurses.
Image Number 50
Publisher Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.
Source (Original) Photograph donated by Mr Albert Crudgington
Subject Crudgington, Alma
Subject Nurses
Subject Rockhampton Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland
Coverage - Spatial Rockhampton, Queensland
Coverage - Time ca. 1936
Format of Original photographic print: sepia 110 mm x 153 mm; scan .tif file 27.4 MB 2642 x 3621 pixels
Digital Format image/jpeg
Rights This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.