William Charles Goss, Rockhampton Hospitals’ Board Chairman 1929 - 1930
Title William Charles Goss, Rockhampton Hospitals’ Board Chairman 1929 - 1930
Description In 1925, the Queensland Government decided to amalgamate all publicly funded hospitals in Rockhampton and adjacent areas under the management of a single Rockhampton Hospitals’ Board. Mr William Charles Goss was one three Government nominees to the new Board. When Mr T. B. Renshaw resigned as Chairman on 21 March 1929, Mr Goss was elected Chairman for the remainder of the Board’s 3-year term which ended in June 1930. Mr Goss had a range of business interests during his time in Rockhampton. This large format photograph which was originally framed was one of a set commissioned by the Rockhampton Hospitals Board to honour its Chairmen from 1925 until 1953. The size of the actual visible photograph is 40.5 cm x 55.5 cm.
Image Number 433
Publisher Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.
Source (Original) Studios Ltd Rockhampton
Subject Goss, William Charles
Subject Rockhampton Hospitals' Board
Coverage - Spatial Rockhampton Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland
Coverage - Time ca. 1925
Format of Original photographic print: b&w 56.7 cm x 75.2 cm; scan .tif 21.7 MB 2386 x 3179 pixels
Digital Format image/jpeg
Rights This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.