Title | Mr Thomas William Farnell, first Chairman of the new Rockhampton Hospitals’ Board in 1925 |
Description | In 1925, the Queensland Government decided to amalgamate all publicly funded hospitals in Rockhampton and adjacent areas under the management of a single Rockhampton Hospitals’ Board. Mr Thomas William Farnell was one three Government nominees to the new committee. The Board also included the Chairs of the three hospital committees which were being dissolved (Mr T. B. Renshaw - Rockhampton Hospital, Mrs P. B. Maries - Childrens Hospital, Mrs J. J. Kenna - Womens Hospital). At the first meeting of the new Board on 23rd November 1925, Mr Farnell was elected as Chairman. At the time, he was the Police Magistrate in Rockhampton. He soon found that the expectations of the position exceeded his capacity to commit to them, and he resigned on 14 January 1926. Mr T. B. Renshaw was appointed Acting Chairman. Mr Farnell continued his role as a Government nominee. This is a large format photograph which was originally framed as part of a set of photos of Board chairs to hang in the Board meeting room. The size of the actual visible photograph is 29.1 cm x 38.8 cm. |
Publisher | Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |
Subject | Rockhampton Hospitals' Board |
Coverage - Spatial | Rockhampton Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland |
Format of Original | photographic print: b&w 39.5 cm x 54.4 cm; scan .tif 22.2 MB 2398 x 3236 pixels |
Rights | This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |