Title | Sister Elizabeth Kenny in Australian Army Nursing Service uniform ca. 1910 |
Description | The photograph is a copy one which appeared on a calendar published in 1992. According to the information on the calendar the photograph was taken from an original oil painting by L. J. Rickert of Nobby, a small town on the Darling Downs where Elizabeth Kenny lived with her family when she was young. The caption reads: ' The calendar has been produced for the sole purpose of establishing a memorial in Nobby, Darling Downs, Queensland, to honour Australia's most famous woman, the late Sister Elizabeth Kenny, who pioneered and became known for her treatment and rehabilitation of Poliomyelitis sufferers in fourteen countries. Sponsored by Rudds Pub, Nobby - the Home of Dad and Dave.' (Author Steele Rudd was another inhabitant of Nobby.) |
Source (Original) | Calendar published in Nobby, Queensland, 1992 |
Subject | Australian Army Nursing Service |
Subject | Kenny, Elizabeth, Sister (1880 - 1952) |
Format of Original | photographic print: colour from a calendar image. The original was an oil painting; scan .tif 4.9MB |
Rights | This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |