Sister Bridget Blackwood (née Foley) in Australian Army uniform, ca. 1941
Title Sister Bridget Blackwood (née Foley) in Australian Army uniform, ca. 1941
Description Sister Bridget Blackwood (née Foley) was born in Rockhampton on 09 February 1916. She started her training at the Rockhampton Base Hospital on 02 Mar 1936 and completed ca. 1940. She also completed a Midwifery certificate at the Lady Goodwin Hospital in Rockhampton between 13 Mar 1940 and 12 Sep 1940. She enlisted with the Australian Army Nursing Service on 13 August 1941 and was discharged on 12 April 1947 with the rank of Lieutenant. Bridget Foley was a member of the 2/1 Australian General Hospital and served in Gaza, Western Australia, New Guinea and the South-West Pacific Area. (Source: Goodman, Rupert. 'Queensland Nurses: Boer War to Vietnam', Boolarong Publications 1985, p. 250.)
Image Number 399
Publisher Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.
Source (Original)
Subject Australian Army Nursing Service
Subject Blackwood, Bridget
Subject Foley, Bridget
Subject Nurses
Subject Second World WAr
Coverage - Spatial Rockhampton, Queensland
Coverage - Time ca. 1941
Format of Original photographic print : b&w 12.7 cm x 17.8 cm; scan .tif 8.6 MB 1457 x 2052 pixels
Digital Format jpeg
Rights This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.