Doctors, nurses and dispenser at Mount Morgan's first hospital ca. 1905
Title Doctors, nurses and dispenser at Mount Morgan's first hospital ca. 1905
Description The photograph shows medical staff, nursing staff and the dispenser at Mount Morgan's first hospital. The photograph which is by courtesy of the Mount Morgan Historical Museum is labelled as having been taken in 1904. The version shown here has been digitally restored, labelled and captioned by Catherine McIntosh, who is the great-granddaughter of Mount Morgan resident and musician, Thomas Upsell Stubbs (1868-1954). The original is on a glass slide which had been reversed during printing. Those present in the photograph have been identified as follows. Back row (L-R): Nurse Clivell, Dr Sylvio Bernardi, Nurse Margaret Ayrene Perrier*, Nurse Maria (Myra) Alexandra McClelland*, George Howard (dispenser), Nurse Hughes, Nurse Lord. Middle row (L-R): Nurse Small, Dr Richards, Matron Dunn, Dr Cameron, Nurse Blytheman. Front row (L-R): Nurse Minnie Christmas, Nurse Hanna, unidentified nurse. While researching this photograph using The Morning Bulletin on Trove, it was established that Dr Donald Cameron did not arrive in Mount Morgan until January 1905. The Resident Surgeon in 1904 was Dr G. L. Murray and Dr S. Bernardi did not start practice in Mount Morgan until 1905. Thus the date taken has been changed to 1905. There was a Nurse Spink at the Hospital in both December 1904 and December 1905. It is therefore possible that she is the unidentified nurse. *Nurse Perrier (1887-1971) and Nurse McClelland (1881-1962) trained at the first Mount Morgan Hospital and served overseas in the Australian Army Nursing Service during the First World War. [Ashley Reid, AANS WW1 Nurses - Who were they?, 2016.]
Image Number 365
Publisher Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.
Source (Original) Mount Morgan Historical Museum
Subject Mount Morgan Hospital
Subject Mount Morgan Hospital - Dispenser
Subject Mount Morgan Hospital - Doctors
Subject Mount Morgan Hospital - Nurses
Coverage - Spatial Mount Morgan Hospital, Mount Morgan, Queensland
Coverage - Time 1905
Format of Original photographic print: b&w 29.64 cm x 21.59 cm; Scan .tif 25.6 MB 3501 x 2550 pixels
Digital Format image/jpeg
Rights This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.