Title | Sisters Lillian Abbott, Rebie Reid, Doris Hill and Sylvia Andersen at Tannachy Hospital 1940s. |
Description | Tannachy Hospital nurses Sister Lillian Abbott, Rebie Reid, Doris Hill and Sylvia Andersen pose in the garden between the Tannachy Hospital buildings. |
Publisher | Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |
Source (Original) | Photograph donated by Jill Cowie (née Crossan) |
Coverage - Spatial | Tannachy Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland |
Coverage - Spatial | Victoria Parade, Rockhampton, Queensland |
Format of Original | photographic print: sepia 6.0 cm x 8.3 cm; scan .tif 7.1 MB 1360 x 2026 pixels |
Rights | This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |