Childrens cot donated to Rockhampton Childrens Hospital ca. 1913
Title Childrens cot donated to Rockhampton Childrens Hospital ca. 1913
Description Queensland hospitals in the early part of the 20th Century were very dependent on funds raised within the community since there was little government involvement in health care delivery. This photograph from the Rockhampton Children's Hospital shows a girl in a donated cot. The plaque on the end of the cot reads: 'Presented by the St Paul's Branch of the Ministering Children's League October 1913'. Notice that mosquito nets were a key feature of all beds in the open style buildings of the day. The Ministering Children’s League was a world-wide organisation founded by Mary Brabazon, Countess of Meath in the UK, in 1858. The general aim of the organisation was to encourage children to develop habits of kindness and unselfishness and a habit helping those in need. The organisation's motto was 'No day without a deed to crown it'.
Image Number 351
Publisher Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.
Source (Original)
Subject Children's Hospital - Rockhampton
Subject Hospital cots
Subject Ministering Children's League
Coverage - Spatial Rockhampton Children's Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland
Coverage - Time ca. 1913
Format of Original copy print: b&w 11.2 cm x 16.8 cm; scan .tif 7.7 MB 1301 x 2052 pixels
Digital Format image/jpeg
Rights This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.