Title | Medical and nursing staff at the Rockhampton Hospital ca. 1926 |
Description | The photograph taken at the Rockhampton Hospital includes the Medical Superintendent (Dr James Bruce Gordon), the Chairman of the Hospitals Board (Mr T. B. Renshaw) and nursing staff. Handwritten annotations on the back identify those present as: Front (L to R): Kirkman, Fraser, Jones, Matron Mitchell, Weber, Collins?, Webber, Greenwood, Best, McClelland, Cagney, Smith, Wakenshaw, Healy, Baker, Mr Renshaw, Dr Gordon. Back (R to L): Waldron, Hogan, Carrol, Kerr, Collins?. At back: Deane, ?. From ACHHA records, we know that the following nurses with the above surnames were trainees at the Rockhampton Hospital in the latter half of the 1920s: May Frances Kirkman, Margret Fraser, Gertrude Jones, Edna May Weber, Alma Collins, Emily May Webber, Mary Greenwood, Lyla Lytton Best, Muriel Doreen Cagney, Florence Smith, Maranne Walkenshaw, Christine Healy, Ivy Hariet May Baker, Mary Ellen Waldron, Norah Hogan, Mary Margaret Carroll, Katherine Josephine Kerr and Ada Deane. |
Publisher | Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |
Coverage - Spatial | Rockhampton Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland |
Format of Original | photographic print: sepia 140 x 80 mm; scan .tif 18.2 MB 3286 x 1937 pixels |
Rights | This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |