Nurses at the Rockhampton Hospital ca. 1956
Title Nurses at the Rockhampton Hospital ca. 1956
Description The photograph shows a group of nurses at the Rockhampton Hospital ca. 1956. Many are wearing their capes with the uniform. The handwritten annotation on the back of the photograph identifies those present as: Front row (L to R): Unidentified, Helen Anderson, Jenny Green; Middle row: Unidentified, Sister Editha Haynes; Back row: Mary Rattenbury, Jenny Green, Jill Austin, Jill Grindlay, Jean Neilsen. There remains some uncertainty about these names. Another annotated photo (without positions) suggests that Evelyn Jones, Iris Collins and Val Smyth are in the photograph. Several of the nurses are wearing 'butterfly veils' which signify that they have are in their final year, having completed all examinations. They are continuing with their ward training prior to graduation. Sister Haynes was a Tutor Sister for the trainee nurses.The photograph shows a group of nurses at the Rockhampton Hospital ca. 1956. Many are wearing their capes with the uniform. The handwritten annotation on the back of the photograph identifies those present as: Front row (L to R): Unidentified, Helen Anderson, Jenny Green; Middle row: Unidentified, Sister Editha Haynes; Back row: Mary Rattenbury, ? Green, Jill Austin, Jill Grindlay, Jean Neilsen. There remains some uncertainty about these names. Sister Haynes was a Tutor Sister for the nurses in training.
Image Number 315
Publisher Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.
Source (Original)
Subject Butterfly veils
Subject Nurses
Subject Nurses, trainee
Coverage - Spatial Rockhampton Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland
Coverage - Time ca. 1956
Format of Original photographic print: b&w 80 x 55 mm; scan .tif 6.9 MB 2169 x 1535 pixels
Digital Format image/jpeg
Rights This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.