Title | Nursing staff at Muttaburra Hospital ca. 1936 |
Description | The photograph shows Nurse M. Laughlin, Matron Edna May Weber and Sister Hogan on the steps of the Muttaburra Hospital ca. 1936. Sr Edna Weber spent almost 5 years in Muttaburra and was Matron of the hospital between early 1936 and mid-1940 at which time she resigned in order to enlist for World War 2. |
Publisher | Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |
Source (Original) | Photograph donated by Edna May Besch (née Weber) |
Format of Original | copy print: b&w 125 x 178 mm; scan .tif 8.3 MB 1484 x 2065 mm |
Rights | This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |