Title | Nurses at the scene of a fire which destroyed their quarters in 1945 |
Description | The photograph shows two nurses standing amidst the ruins of the Rockhampton Hospital Nurses' Quarters following a fire on 28 August 1945. Two thirds of the Quarters were destroyed shortly after 3:15 pm. Sixty staff were left homeless and 20 sisters and nurses lost all of their possessions. Firemen saved the adjoining midwifery quarters and volunteers saved a significant amount of furniture and possessions before the fire reached them.
Source: 1945 'MANY NURSES LOSE BELONGINGS IN BIG HOSPITAL FIRE.', Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878-1954), 29 August, p. 4, viewed 15 May, 2011, http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article56429542. |
Publisher | Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |
Coverage - Spatial | Rockhampton Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland |
Format of Original | photographic print: b&w; scan .tif 7.2 MB 1309 x 1920 pixels |
Rights | This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |