History of nursing
Title History of nursing "From then to Now" presentation, International Nurses' Day 2011
Description Archivist of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc, Mrs Yvonne Kelley OAM presnets a PowerPoint presentation "From then to Now" setting out changes in procedures used in hospitals over time. The presentation was part of International Nurses' Day celebrations in 2011.
Image Number 221
Publisher Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.
Source (Original) Errol Payne
Subject International Nurses' Day
Coverage - Spatial Rockhampton Heritage Village, North Rockhampton, Queensland
Coverage - Time 12 May 2011
Format of Original digital image: col; .tif 35 MB 4288 x 2848 pixels
Digital Format image/jpeg
Rights This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.