Dedication of former Tannachy Hospital as St John's Hospital 1961
Title Dedication of former Tannachy Hospital as St John's Hospital 1961
Description The photograph shows the ceremony conducted in March 1961 to dedicate the former Tannachy Private Hospital as St John's Hospital after it was taken over by the Anglican Church on 01 March 1961. The dedication was conducted by Bishop T. B. McCall, Bishop of Rockhampton. Dr Norman Talbot who opened the original Tannachy Hospital on the site in 1922 was a guest at, and participant in, the ceremony. He had operated the hospital with his colleague Dr F. C. Wooster, but Dr Wooster's death on 5th June 1950 led Dr Talbot to close the hospital in late October 1950. In the interim period from 1951 until 1961 it was operated by a private company. The Mayor of Rockhampton, Alderman R. B. J. Pilbeam was also a guest. He can be seen standing at the left hand side of the veranda. Dr Talbot is probably the gentleman standing against the back wall just to the right of the dedication party at the microphone.
Image Number 212
Publisher Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.
Source (Original)
Subject St John's Hospital
Subject Tannachy Hospital
Coverage - Spatial Victoria Parade, Rockhampton, Queensland
Coverage - Time 31 March 1961
Format of Original photographic print: b&w 20.4 cm x 15.3 cm; scan .tif 12.1 MB 2396 x 1759 pixels
Digital Format image/jpeg
Rights This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.