Westwood staff 1935
Title Westwood staff 1935
Description Staff of the Westwood Sanatorium near Rockhampton ca. 1935. At that time, Westwood specialised in the treatment of tuberculosis. The photograph is thought to include Sister May Scully, the Superintendent (Matron) who was appointed to this position at Westwood from 08 September 1923 until July 1935.
Image Number 17
Publisher Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc
Source (Original)
Subject Nurses
Subject Rockhampton. Westwood Sanatorium.
Coverage - Spatial Westwood, Queensland
Coverage - Time ca. 1935
Format of Original Scanned .tif file 1.6 MB 1029 x 1616 pixels
Digital Format image/jpeg
Rights This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.