Presenting the Plaques
Title Presenting the Plaques
Description The final formality for the day came when Dr Lynn Jamieson handed over the original brass building plaques to Mrs Yvonne Kelley to becaome part of the ACHHA Collection. The photograph shows Yvonne Kelley (left) making a short acceptance speech while Lynn Jamieson and Norma West look on. The inscriptions on the plaques show that the first sod was turned on 3rd April 1950 when Dr M R Gold was the Medical Superintendent and Miss M Fraser was the Matron, while the building was opened on 11 July 1954 when Dr J K Fullagar was the Medical Superintendent and Miss M Collins the Matron. Dr Mervyn Gold is a current member of our Association. Please see our November 2007 Newsletter for his story.
Image Number 124
Publisher Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.
Source (Original) Digital photograph by Errol Payne
Subject Commemorative plaques
Subject Nurses' Quarters
Subject Rockhampton Hospital
Coverage - Spatial Rockhampton Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland
Coverage - Time 25 May 2008
Format of Original Digital image 3008 x 2000 pixels
Digital Format image/jpeg
Rights This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc.