Title | Yvonne Kelley and the story of the Nurses' Quarters/SAB |
Description | Mrs Yvonne Kelley OAM, President of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc, gave an address which outlined the history of nurses' quarters at the Rockhampton Hospital and also told of the vision of the ACHHA to continue its work to preserve the health services history of Central Queensland through the development of the Collection Centre at the Rockhampton Heritage Village. Yvonne had been instrumental in setting up the original museum at the Rockhampton Base Hospital which opened in 1988 and closed 1998 when the Hospital required the building as part of the redevelopment project.. |
Publisher | Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |
Source (Original) | Digital photograph by Errol Payne |
Coverage - Spatial | Rockhampton Hospital, Rockhampton, Queensland |
Format of Original | Digital image 3008 x 2000 pixels |
Rights | This image is provided for the purpose of private study and research and must not be reproduced without the permission of the Australian Country Hospital Heritage Association Inc. |